In the latest data from the Ministry of Defence (MOD), fresh insights into the state of the AURORA project have been disclosed.
The AURORA project is aimed at enhancing the manufacturing capability for the plutonium component of the UK’s nuclear warheads.
According to the MOD’s March 2023 Government Major Projects Portfolio data, the AURORA project’s Senior Responsible Owner’s Delivery Confidence Assessment rating is categorised as “Amber” for the fourth quarter of 2023.
This status indicates challenges in areas such as resource management but also suggests steady progress towards the set goals.
The data release provides a quote on the project’s financial standing: “The estimated total cost for the AURORA project is currently between £2 billion and £2.5 billion.” These estimates are preliminary and are likely to undergo revisions as the project moves forward.
While it doesn’t report “cashable benefits,” the AURORA project is central to the UK’s broader national security strategy.
Source: UK Defence Journal